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It's a good early Demo, I found a bug though, If you hold your laser and then press escape for the menu the laser SFX keeps going.  I know it is a demo but I feel as if I were just thrown into a game with no idea what to do. Can't wait to see what you do with this project.

Thank you for pointing that out. I've been slowly killing all the lingering audio issues. At one point the engine sound would continue to play even if you hopped out of the ship while it was flying forward. Was quite annoying. Every bug reported is a bug I can squash. :)

Ship controls feel good, if a tiny bit sluggish, and laser overheat could use a little more feedback (hissing noises as you approach overheat for example), other than that i noticed my cursor wasn't locked to the screen, but that's really the only bug i got.
Aside from that a little bit more feedback on whether or not you're able to enter a spaceship would be nice.

New update being uploaded in a few minutes. Took care of the cursor lock issue and added a menu screen with the controls, a reset option and a proper Quit option. Oh and added some actual engine and boost sfx.

Working on tweaking the weapons feedback sound. Thanks for catching the cursor lock issue.